
My trajectory into the world of plants happened unexpectedly. Originally, my focus was on the study of biomimetics—mimicking nature in technology. After completing undergraduate studies, I began my PhD journey in biomedical engineering at the University of Delaware. Several months into the program, I found myself without a compatible lab or subject matter. However, serendipity intervened during one of my engineering classes when Dr. Erin Sparks, a guest lecturer from the plant and soil sciences department, discussed research applying engineering principles to study the mechanical function of maize brace roots.

Inspired by Dr. Sparks' lecture, I made the decision to transfer to her lab as a PhD student. The experience revealed the fascinating world of plants, a realm I had never considered before. Noticing my visual art hobby, Erin encouraged me to integrate science and illustration, which began "LindZeamays Illustration." I am immensely grateful to Erin and all the mentors who have supported and continue to support my journey in science illustration.

Through illustration, I aim to capture the intricacies of plants from a scientist's perspective, allowing researchers to share both the research and the beauty surrounding the organisms they study.

