Arthropods, intricate wonders of nature's engineering, have been honing the art of survival for an impressive 541 million years. Arthropods, particularly insects, have captivated my interest in biological sciences from an early age. My commitment to understanding and appreciating these remarkable creatures goes beyond academic pursuits. Visually documenting arthropods in a stylized yet scientific manner serves as a technique to celebrate the beauty found in life's little details.
'Nature's pest control'. Digital illustration of a great black digger wasp.
'More to bees than honey.' Digital illustration of a Halictid sweat bee.
'Pride Spider' digital painting.
'Magic Hour in Idolomantis Cove'. Digital painting.
Witch's Brood digital painting as a stylized Halloween design.
'Undergrowth of the Pine Barrens'. Watercolor and gouache. 11"x14"
Tiny 4-inch wide acrylic painting of an oak leafhopper.
'Victorian Mantis religiosa'. Digital painting.
Digital painting of a Madagascar hissing cockroach promoting insect scavengers.
Tiny 4-inch tall acrylic painting of an Idolomantis.
Tiny 4-inch tall acrylic painting of a garden tiger moth.
'Mirrored' A green darner (Anax junius) lays her eggs on a placid pond. Digital painting.
Digital painting of a stylized carpenter bee drone.
Tiny 4-inch tall acrylic painting of a mantisfly.
Differential grasshopper (Melanoplus differentialis). Digital painting.
Globular springtail mating dance. Digital Painting.
Water drops on mantis. Watercolor and gouache. 5"x7"
'An Unlucky Surprise' Ambush bug (Phymata pennsylvanica) on an aster flower. Colored pencil and acrylic on paper. 9"x11"
Empis tessellata (aka Dance fly) on bark and lichens. Watercolor. 5"x7"
Great black digger wasp (Sphex pennsylvanicus). Digital painting.